Here's where to find the best houseplants all around Australia!
Houseplants can brighten up your home, cleanse the air, and bring a little bit of the outside in.
Keen to green your house but not sure where to start?

The beautiful Calathea, an emerging star on the houseplant market thanks to its gorgeous leaves, is swiftly gaining favor with plant collectors and amateur green thumbs alike.
Calatheas require a lot of TLC to thrive, including being kept hydrated with distilled water (as low quality tap water can cause leaf burn) and fertilization on a regular basis.
Expect to experiment with different spots in your home until you find one with the perfect blend of light and humidity – your bathroom is a good starting point. Prune off dead leaves to support new growth and expect to experiment with different spots in your home until you find one with the perfect blend of light and humidity – your bathroom is a good starting point. When fresh leaves begin to develop, you’ll know you’ve arrived at its ideal location.
Devil's Ivy

Don’t let the name mislead you; Devil’s Ivy is a wonderful addition to any house or plant collection. Devil’s Ivy is composed of tough material, second only to succulents in terms of its capacity to endure living with someone who isn’t endowed with the gardening gene.
Plant in whatever pot or vessel you prefer (size doesn’t matter) and place wherever you like. Is there a dark corner? There is no need to be concerned. Is there a bright window sill? On the balcony, perhaps? It’s not an issue. You may plant Devil’s Ivy almost anyplace and it will thrive despite the odds as long as you water it frequently.
Propagate new plants as your Devil’s Ivy becomes larger by cutting off existing leaves and soaking the stems in water until they sprout new roots. Buy Devil’s Ivy Online at a very cheap rate from Plants In a box.
Fiddle Leaf Fig

Do you even have a houseplant if you don’t have a Fiddle Leaf Fig? Fiddles are appreciated for their huge, lush leaves, making them the most popular houseplant in the world.
Fiddles are finicky and will pout if things aren’t quite to their liking, much like a kid that loses its cool when it doesn’t given enough care. The trick to keeping your Fiddle happy is to keep it in a well-lit area (but not right next to a window where it’ll get the brunt of the Australian sun) and to just water it once in a while.
Stick your finger into the soil before watering, and if it feels moist, don’t water again until it has dried off.
Monstera Deliciosa

Whatever you name it: Monstera Deliciosa, Swiss Cheese, Split Leaf Philodendron, Mexican Breadfruit, or Fruit Salad Plant… there’s no disputing its appeal in the suburbs.
Monsteras require more space to develop than other houseplants, so consider large when choosing a container and where to place it in your home, as they can be difficult to move once established.
Monsteras are tropical plants that thrive in humid environments, so they’ll thrive in your bathroom where they can soak up your post-shower mist. If you want to add some additional greenery to your bathroom, have a look at these bathroom plants, which can thrive in your bathrooms.
Rubber Plant

A Rubber Plant or two is a must-have for any indoor gardener worth their watering. Rubber Plants are set to overtake Fiddle Leaf Figs as the most popular houseplant of 2018. Depending on the container they’re in, they’ll grow large or stay little.
Choose a large pot for a Rubber Plant that towers over your couch. Choose a tiny container for a pint-sized plant that won’t dominate your precious midcentury ceramics collection on your vintage sideboard.
To stimulate development, water regularly, place in a sunny corner, and wash the leaves clear of dust from time to time.
Snake Plant

The eye-catching Snake plant is a distant relative of asparagus (which explains the long, shoot-like leaves) and is a favorite décor option in fashionable cafés around the country, but please avoid the impulse to serve it with hollandaise on toast.
This breed is tougher than a nasty guy in a horror movie in terms of looks and durability, so don’t worry about over or under watering.
Snake Plant is a popular and easy-to-grow plant that can be found in most commercial garden stores.
String Of Pearls

The flowing tendrils of a String of Pearls are a must-have for any shelfie, but before you rush out to the store, think again since this incredibly photogenic plant is a difficult beast to keep alive.
This beauty, like many indoor plants, enjoys indirect sunshine and well-drained soil, so put it in a container with plenty of drainage holes and resist the impulse to water it on a regular basis.
String of Pearls will most likely only be accessible in tiny, immature varieties at large nurseries.

Are you a self-confessed black thumb who can kill a houseplant with a sidelong glance? Fear not: Tillandsia grows in Mexico’s harsh deserts, so chances are it will thrive in your one-bedroom apartment or family home.
Tillandsia will live longer than any family pet you’ve ever had if you shield it against frosty weather and icy draughts.
While most houseplants require a specialized pot packed with potting mix or soil, Tillandsia plants obtain all of their nutrients from the air, allowing them to thrive in almost any environment. In the winter, forget about them, but in the summer, give them a short spritz of water every couple of weeks. Get Tillandsia today. Buy Online.