Oxalis Triangularis – How to Grow & Care Purple Shamrock
Oxalis triangularis are often named as “purple shamrocks”, but I like to call them “The Butterfly Plant”. The plant’s history is often traced back to St. Patrick, who held a similar plant and used the three leaves to clarify the concept of the Almighty to country. Oxalis triangularis don’t seem to be Irish natives, however – instead, they’re originally from the Brazil. With its stunning and attention-grabbing purple foliage, Oxalis triangularis or Purple Shamrock is definite to be the star wherever placed indoors or even outdoors. Provided the proper indoor growing conditions, it’ll provide you with robust growth and color throughout the seasons.
How to Care for Purple Shamrock
If the shamrock goes indoors as an indoor plant, pot the plant in mid-September before winters start. This keeps the foliage well-to-do. Place into a container with good drainage and water well to settle the soil down. When the shamrock is indoors, place it as regards to a window where there’s sunlight. The plant can handle more sunlight indoors.
On the other hand, if you’re planting it outdoors, purple shamrocks could also be put into areas that are somewhat shaded. Because they are not much taller than 6 inches. When the weather is warm and there is adequate moisture, the shamrock blooms with small, pale pink, bell-like flowers.
Soil Conditions for Oxalis Triangularis
Oxalis triangularis performs well when grown in standard potting mixes that drain well. The bulbs or fibrous roots will rot if planted in soils that are too heavy and retain an excessive amount of water. Whatever mixture you choose to use to grow your Purple Shamrock, the foremost important thing to recollect is that the soil must drain properly and not retain an excessive amount of water.
Light Conditions for Oxalis Triangularis Plants
Plants For the foremost effective growth, place your Purple Shamrock in an enclosed location that receives bright light. If indoor light conditions are too low, the plant’s growth won’t be as robust and it will tend to become leggy. If you’d prefer to move it outdoors, place it in a very partially sunny outdoor location and not fully sun as, if the situation outdoors is simply too sunny, the leaves can burn.
Watering for Oxalis Triangularis
Your Purple Shamrock are more forgiving if you forget to water than if you water an excessive amount of, which ends in soggy soil conditions and problems with rot. Constantly wet conditions can find yourself killing your plant. Generally, water when the highest inch of soil feels dry in summer and water about every two to three weeks during dormant or the winter season.
Humidity Requirements for Oxalis Triangularis
These plants don’t seem to be much fussy about humidity. Average humidity levels inside the house are usually adequate for oxalis triangularis.
Fertilizer Needs of Oxalis Triangularis
Like watering, you simply should worry about feeding your Purple Shamrock while it’s actively growing in spring through summer. Stop feeding in fall and winter when the plant goes into dormancy.
Oxalis Triangularis Pruning Requirements
Other than to pinch off any dead foliage, especially because the plant goes into dormancy, the pruning requirements for Purple Shamrocks are low to nil.
Propagating New Plants – Oxalis Triangularis
Oxalis triangularis is propagated by separating the offsets to create additional plants. This will be best done while the shamrock is in its dormant stage. Remove the Purple Shamrock from its container and gently pull the bulbs apart. Once separated, you’ll be able to plant the bulbs in new containers.
Common Disease and Bugs
Powdery Mildew: Mildew shows au fait the plant as powdery white patches that affect all portions of the shamrock including the blooms. In severe cases, the powdery substance can coat the full plant.
Root Rot: Only if you over water the plant.
Mealybugs: Mealybugs show informed the Purple Shamrock as masses of a white cottony substance, which are actually groups of the pests. They suck out the plant’s juices and might weaken or kill it.
Spider Mites: Like mealybugs, an untreated infestation can weaken or kill the plant
These purple beauties are so delicate and we have to care a lot as you have mentioned. Right care and conditions are needed. Thanks for sharing the tips.